6 December – start of full service
With Robyn and David on site, we’re very pleased to be able to advise that KBC will re-open 6 December (sorry this is a little later than earlier advised – big work load to get through), except Mondays, then 7 days from 26 December (closed Xmas Day).
Fuel may be just a few days later.
You wouldn’t believe the regulatory complexity of getting fuel delivered to Kawau! RNZYS and your committee have been working on this for several months and have devoted many hundreds of hours which are only now getting us to a satisfactory conclusion. One of the obstacles has been the requirement to pay for full tank loads in advance – beyond our current cash flow situation. We’re therefore very happy to record the generosity of Lin and Larry Pardey, residents of Kawau Island in lending KBC the not inconsiderable funding required for our initial tank fill.